by Mike | Area Information, News, Uptown-Riverfront living downtown TC
Read more on this article from MSNBC
by Mike | News, Uptown-Riverfront living downtown TC
A nice article on Uptown in the May 14, 2015 edition of the Traverse City Record Eagle.
by Mike | News, Uptown-Riverfront living downtown TC
Despite the snow, crews from Grand Traverse Construction are pouring the foundation walls today for building CDE. Five brave souls led by foreman Russ Julian have been working in the brutal cold for the last several weeks setting the forms for the concrete foundation...
by Mike | News, Uptown-Riverfront living downtown TC
Till now, we have relied on an early concept sketch to convey the essence of Uptown. But, because each townhome is custom designed, each building evolves as a compilation of the individual units. Now that the first phase units are designed (and now under construction)...
by Mike | News, Uptown-Riverfront living downtown TC
Uptown has secured pre-approval of the project from three local mortgage lenders. That will make it faster and easier for buyers to obtain their construction and end-loan approvals, since the lender’s underwriters have already reviewed and approved all the...