by Mike | Midtown Centre, News
The last of the Midtown condominiums have been built and sold. The two units in Riverwatch 3 are nearing completion and expect to be occupied in March of 2012. We are proud of the community we have built and pleased with its success. The many residents are enjoying...
by Mike | Midtown Centre, News
Several people have inquired about the possibility of enlarging the Living Room and Dining Room by moving the Master Bedroom to the upper level. Actually, that is fairly easy to do and we have developed rough sketches of one approach to show how that might be done. We...
by Mike | Midtown Centre, News
Where else but Midtown can you live right downtown and overlook the beautiful Boardman River? Check out these floor plans! The master bedroom is on the mail level with the kitchen, living, dining and laundry rooms! Two-car garage, 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, family...
by Mike | Midtown Centre, News
Units A and B of the contemporary new Midtown Park Residences will be turned over to their new owners this week. We have some very excited people who are just itching to move their furniture in. We’ll get some photos to post on our web page so you can see just...
by Mike | Midtown Centre, News
Over and over, people are telling us they want to move Downtown to Midtown. They love the location, the sense of community and the Boardman River. And we’ve heard many say that if we offered a 2400 sf unit with Single Level Living and a 2 car garage at Midtown, they...
by Mike | Fairway Hills Townhomes, Midtown Centre, News, Smart Growth
Here are some of the dual benefits: In neighborhoods with smaller lot sizes and homes positioned closer together, there is less yard-care, which saves you time and money, and reduced development of open space, which conserves land. There is also the reduced impact of...